These two siblings are quite unlike other cats, but since being saved, they are living life to the fullest

Otter and his sister, Bunny, were discovered orphaned in Northern California by a kind-hearted woman who took them in and began caring for them.

Caroline Grace, the head of Baby Kitten Rescue, began treating them since they had many health risks. After they were healed, the focus shifted to their disabilities and assistance to their adaptation. Caroline will help them find a permanent home where they will live together.

Baby Kitten Rescue is a nonprofit animal rescue that specializes in neonatal, critical care, and special needs kitten rescue in Los Angeles, CA. “We hope to show that these kittens are capable of being saved and are worth saving! We also hope to promote acceptance, inclusion, and compassion and show that special needs animals can live full, rich, and happy lives!”
Caroline Grace found Bunny & Otter orphaned and took them in

These Two Sibling Kittens Are Quite Different From Other Cats, But They Are Living Their Life To The Fullest After Being Rescued

Bored Panda has contacted Caroline Grace to get an update about these two adorable kittens. We asked about the situation they were in when they arrived in the care of the Baby Kitten Rescue, and Caroline explained that “Bunny & Otter were only 3 weeks old and very sick when they arrived. They had upper respiratory infections, infected eyes, and horrible stomach issues.”

The kittens waited outside for mama cat to return, but sadly she never did, and they were left unhealthy and vulnerable

These Two Sibling Kittens Are Quite Different From Other Cats, But They Are Living Their Life To The Fullest After Being Rescued

She reached out to Baby Kitten Rescue once she noticed the kittens were missing limbs and needed bottle feeding
These Two Sibling Kittens Are Quite Different From Other Cats, But They Are Living Their Life To The Fullest After Being Rescued

This is big brother Otter
These Two Sibling Kittens Are Quite Different From Other Cats, But They Are Living Their Life To The Fullest After Being Rescued

Otter was born with an underdeveloped front arm. We asked Caroline if he walks on all 4, and she explained that “Otter walks on 3 legs. His front right arm only has 1 toe and 1 claw, so it’s not very stable. So he doesn’t use that arm when he walks.”

These Two Sibling Kittens Are Quite Different From Other Cats, But They Are Living Their Life To The Fullest After Being Rescued

He was born with an especially rare congenital defect called ‘Meningoencephalocele’
These Two Sibling Kittens Are Quite Different From Other Cats, But They Are Living Their Life To The Fullest After Being Rescued

His skull never closed properly, leaving part of his brain protruding out of the hole in his skullThese Two Sibling Kittens Are Quite Different From Other Cats, But They Are Living Their Life To The Fullest After Being Rescued
These Two Sibling Kittens Are Quite Different From Other Cats, But They Are Living Their Life To The Fullest After Being Rescued

For his own safety, he wears a custom-made helmet to protect his brain
These Two Sibling Kittens Are Quite Different From Other Cats, But They Are Living Their Life To The Fullest After Being Rescued

This kitten is so used to wearing it now, he doesn’t try to scratch at it or pull it off
These Two Sibling Kittens Are Quite Different From Other Cats, But They Are Living Their Life To The Fullest After Being Rescued

Otter is an adventurer and enjoys exploring new places
These Two Sibling Kittens Are Quite Different From Other Cats, But They Are Living Their Life To The Fullest After Being Rescued

He loves to play, snuggle and relax, purring whenever possible
These Two Sibling Kittens Are Quite Different From Other Cats, But They Are Living Their Life To The Fullest After Being Rescued

Little Otter just had cutting-edge brain surgery to place his brain back into his skull and cover the opening with titanium mesh
These Two Sibling Kittens Are Quite Different From Other Cats, But They Are Living Their Life To The Fullest After Being Rescued

He’s doing very well, enthusiastically taking care of his sister
These Two Sibling Kittens Are Quite Different From Other Cats, But They Are Living Their Life To The Fullest After Being Rescued

To find out if Otter would still need to wear the helmet, we asked Caroline, and she told us that “Otter had to continue to wear his helmet for 2 weeks after the surgery to protect the incision. But now he no longer needs the helmet and will never have to wear it again.”

Meet Bunny

These Two Sibling Kittens Are Quite Different From Other Cats, But They Are Living Their Life To The Fullest After Being Rescued

These Two Sibling Kittens Are Quite Different From Other Cats, But They Are Living Their Life To The Fullest After Being Rescued

These Two Sibling Kittens Are Quite Different From Other Cats, But They Are Living Their Life To The Fullest After Being Rescued

Bunny was born with congenital bilateral hemimelia, meaning she was born missing both of her forearms
These Two Sibling Kittens Are Quite Different From Other Cats, But They Are Living Their Life To The Fullest After Being Rescued

The kitty has successfully adapted to her circumstances by moving on her back legsThese Two Sibling Kittens Are Quite Different From Other Cats, But They Are Living Their Life To The Fullest After Being Rescued

Her disability even taught Otter how to stand on his rear feet too
These Two Sibling Kittens Are Quite Different From Other Cats, But They Are Living Their Life To The Fullest After Being Rescued

There are several ramps dedicated for Bunny to get up onto the bed and couch, yet she jumps straight from the ground onto the bed or the couch
These Two Sibling Kittens Are Quite Different From Other Cats, But They Are Living Their Life To The Fullest After Being Rescued

Seems like she is living her best life with so much joy and confidence every day
These Two Sibling Kittens Are Quite Different From Other Cats, But They Are Living Their Life To The Fullest After Being Rescued

It has been incredible for Caroline Grace to see Bunny & Otter adapt to their disabilities so well
These Two Sibling Kittens Are Quite Different From Other Cats, But They Are Living Their Life To The Fullest After Being Rescued

Both Otter and Bunny love each other so much and are a bonded pair
These Two Sibling Kittens Are Quite Different From Other Cats, But They Are Living Their Life To The Fullest After Being Rescued

They snuggle together, groom each other, bird watch, and play together
These Two Sibling Kittens Are Quite Different From Other Cats, But They Are Living Their Life To The Fullest After Being Rescued

They are such an inspiration for how resilient, adaptable, and happy they are
These Two Sibling Kittens Are Quite Different From Other Cats, But They Are Living Their Life To The Fullest After Being Rescued

It makes Caroline’s heart burst with cheer and restores her faith in humanity to see people so in love with these two kittens with special needs
These Two Sibling Kittens Are Quite Different From Other Cats, But They Are Living Their Life To The Fullest After Being Rescued


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