The Mauna Kea silversword (the flower of patience)

The Mauna Kea silversword (the flower of patience) is a really special plant that grows only in Hawaii. It’s part of the same family as sunflowers and daisies (the Asteraceae family), but it looks completely different.

The plant has these long, pointy leaves that look like swords and are covered in white hairs. These hairs help protect the plant from the strong sun and wind on the island.

Mauna Kea silversword - WikipediaThe plant takes a really long time to grow and doesn’t flower until it’s been around for many years. When it finally does flower, it’s a really beautiful sight. But here’s the thing: once it blooms, the plant dies. It’s like it puts all its energy into that one big moment and then it’s done.

The stalk can grow up to 6 feet tall and is covered in hundreds of little red or orange flowers.

Hawai'i silversword (Argyroxiphium sandwicense) Flower, Leaf, Care, Uses -  PictureThisThe Mauna Kea silversword is also an excellent symbol of resilience because it may live for up to 50 years before blossoming and can survive in tough locations and weather conditions.


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