The cat survived the fire and was adopted by the veterinarian

What a little sweetheart. Glad to know her vet was kind enough to adopt her

On May 2, a large-scale out in Las Vegas, the cause of which is unknown, but the consequences of the were enormous.

In their efforts to save lives and property, the Rescue Force rescued a 4-week-old kitten that was still alive from a bu.rning trash can and took it directly to the Animal Foundation, where there are many [vi.ctims trea.ted] here. Volunteers and veterinarians assisted in tre.ating her wo.unds and in.ju.ries.

Cat Survived the Fire and was Adopted by the Vet

Volunteers and doctors worked tirelessly to save this po.or kitten!

Savannah, the kitten, was in poor health; the kitten’s paws were bu.r.n.ed, as were its whiskers and fur; they gave the kitten pa.inki.llers and bandaged her paws, as well as placed her in an incubator to keep her warm.

Perhaps, as a result of the kindness of these people, the kitten has gradually recovered!
According to Kelsey Pizzi, Communications Director at Animal Foundation, they found a foster home for the kitten 30 minutes after it arrived at the shelter. Fortunately, the kitten was adopted by a veterinarian named Alex Reyes – the same veterinarian who tre.a.ted Savannah’s bu.rns!

He falls in love with this special kitten and decides to adopt her! She is currently enjoying a wonderful life with Reyes!

Although the kitten has been through a lot, it is wonderful that she has received so much love from her new father. What a happy ending!

Thank you for helping tis cute kitty, looks like she was bu.rned ba.d, and adopting her too…!

Bless her precious little heart… glad she has a good home.

Bless the vet who cared for her and adopted her to give her a safe and loving forever home !

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