The Adopted Cat Can’t Stop Hugging His Mother After Being Rescued

A rescued cat was overjoyed to be able to find a mother for the rest of his life, and he showed it to her by embracing and licking her face when he first saw her, and he hasn’t stopped expressing her his love and appreciation since.

Honeycake, a red-haired feline that had a rough start in life, managed to survive a particularly terrible act perpetrated by his previous family. His owner put him in a trash bag with his younger brothers and flung them out of a moving car when he was a kitten.

The Rescued Cat Can’t Stop Cuddling His Mum Now That He’s Been Adopted

However, the kittens were transported to a shelter with a deadline for adoption, or they would be killed. When the kitten’s condition was discovered, Michigan Cat Rescue, a local cat rescue organization, decided to save him and offer him a second shot.

The Rescued Cat Can’t Stop Cuddling His Mum Now That He’s Been Adopted

They brought him to their facility and began the process of finding Honeycake the right home, for which she was quite thankful.

Every day, the lovely redhead eagerly awaited the appearance of that special someone who would take him home and offer him a better life.

The Rescued Cat Can’t Stop Cuddling His Mum Now That He’s Been Adopted

After a few months in the shelter, Honeycake was reunited with her long-lost love, a nurse called Renee. The woman didn’t take long to understand that this was the appropriate cat for her and chose to take him home with her.

The Rescued Cat Can’t Stop Cuddling His Mum Now That He’s Been Adopted
Honeycake appeared to be aware of what was going on and decided to cuddle up to her, embrace her, and kiss her all over her face to express her gratitude.

On Facebook, members of Michigan Cat Rescue wrote:

Honeycake is starting a new life with a lovely lady named Renee today. She is a lovely woman who stated that Honeycake (now Finnegan) would only receive love and kisses from now on.

The Rescued Cat Can’t Stop Cuddling His Mum Now That He’s Been Adopted

Renee fell fully in love with the cat as he landed on her arms and refused to let go. He had picked her as his human and Renee had fallen completely in love with him. Finnegan has now been married to Renee for nearly four years, and the couple is still going strong and extremely happy.

The Rescued Cat Can’t Stop Cuddling His Mum Now That He’s Been Adopted

This child still enjoys hugging his human mother; it is his favorite pastime, but what matters most is that he has found a home.

Finnegan may now enjoy his new life, forgetting his tragic past, thanks to everyone who helped to his rescue.

The Rescued Cat Can’t Stop Cuddling His Mum Now That He’s Been Adopted

The lovely cat will live for a long time, surrounded by his adoring mother Rennee, who is always concerned about his well-being.

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