The Most Beautiful Eyes in the Animal Kingdom

The male snowy owl is almost white, the female and the young have more black plumage, but they all have beautiful fiery yellow eyes. This cold creature has beautiful honey-colored eyes. …

How Do Animals Achieve Extraordinary Camouflage?

1. Grass Frog This species, also known as the Southern Bell Frog, clings tightly to the weeds around ponds. 2. Leaf-tailed Gecko This gecko is hard to spot because it blends in with the tree trunks. 3. Stingray A stingray …

Remarkable Horns and Antlers in the Animal Kingdom

Antlers are branched, paired structures made entirely of bone and shed annually, while horns are unbranched, two-part structures with a bony core and a keratin sheath. Either way, this unique headgear seems …