No One Wanted to Adopt This Cat with Severe Facial Injuries—Until She Came Along and Changed Everything

When Meagan Licari, the heart and soul behind Puppy Kitty NYC, crossed paths with Figaro, it was a moment that warmed her heart forever.

Figaro was in the midst of an emergency animal hospital stay, receiving treatment for severe facial trauma that was difficult to fathom.

a portrait of a cat with half its face missing
Source: @figaroandhisfriends

Meagan remembers, with tears in her eyes:

“He was so tiny and was missing basically half of his face. It brought me to tears to see this little guy with such horrible injuries.”

Figaro, born on the rugged streets of New York City, had already borne the scars on his face when a small rescue group reached out to Puppy Kitty in New York for assistance.

“He was extremely scared and borderline feral.”

However, Meagan was resolute in her mission to provide Figaro with the care and love he so desperately needed.

portrait of a cat with half its face missing sleeping on a blanket
Source: @figaroandhisfriends

Though the vets couldn’t pinpoint the exact cause of Figaro’s facial injuries, they believed he might have been in a tussle with another animal. Perhaps a raccoon or a large cat, or even had a run-in with a live wire.

portrait of a cat with a cat sewn on
Source: @figaroandhisfriends

To mend the extensive damage, Figaro courageously underwent not one but two reconstructive surgeries, with most of his teeth from one side of his mouth removed. As Meagan explains:

“He spent about a month in the hospital after his initial rescue, and then three days for his second surgery.”

a man is holding in his hands a cat that does not have half a face
Source: @figaroandhisfriends

During his stay in the hospital, Figaro, once wary of humans, slowly but surely let the veterinary staff and Meagan shower him with affection.

This transformation turned him from a frightened kitten into a friendly and lovable cat.

a half-faced cat lies on a woman's lap
Source: @figaroandhisfriends

When Figaro was finally discharged, he was a world away from the scared little creature Meagan had first met. 

She was overjoyed to bring him into her Queens home as a foster kitten, where he spent two weeks crated with an E-collar.

Fast-forward four months, and this resilient six-month-old feline is thriving, despite his initial aversion to face cleanings and medications.

“He also hates being medicated because his beginning stages of life were all doctors and medicine.”

a cute kitten with green eyes that is missing half of its face
Source: @figaroandhisfriends

Meagan explains, understanding the root of his anxiety. In addition to these hurdles, Figaro is a bundle of joy, enthusiastic about life, and free from pain or eating troubles.

“He is first to the food bowl and will growl at the other cats. He can eat dry and soft food, but we stick to mostly soft. He also loves human food and is always trying to steal it.”

a cat whose face has recovered is looking at the camera


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