Black Caiman: The Sovereign Predator of the Amazon

In the depths of the Amazon rainforest, a silent and formidable predator lurks in the murky waters: the Black Caiman. With its sleek black scales and piercing yellow eyes, this apex predator commands respect and fear alike in its natural habitat.

The Black Caiman (Melanosuchus niger) is a fascinating and formidable inhabitant of the Amazon rainforest, known for its fearsome reputation. Capable of growing up to 5 meters in length, it is the largest member of the short-snouted crocodile family (Alligatoridae). Their dark green, almost black, skin provides excellent camouflage in the murky waters of the Amazon, especially at night. The Black Caiman is an opportunistic predator, willing to eat almost anything that comes its way. This apex predator can be found across several countries within the Amazon Basin, including Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, Guyana, Peru, and possibly Venezuela.

caiman đen hạ nhiệt với miệng mở, vùng đất ngập nước pantanal - cá sấu caiman đen hình ảnh sẵn có, bức ảnh & hình ảnh trả phí bản quyền một lần


In research published in the journal PLOS One in 2019, expert Stephane Caut from the Donana Biological Station in Spain, along with his colleagues, tagged 75 Black Caiman crocodiles in French Guiana to better understand their diet. They discovered that fish constitutes the majority of the Black Caiman’s diet. However, they also consume a significant number of waterfowl and mammals. Although not specified in the study, these prey items may include animals such as deer, peccaries, and tapirs.

cayman đen - cá sấu caiman đen hình ảnh sẵn có, bức ảnh & hình ảnh trả phí bản quyền một lần

cận cảnh chân dung của black caiman (melanosuchus niger) xuống nước từ bờ sông với trọng tâm là mắt ở pampas del yacuma, bolivia. - cá sấu caiman đen hình ảnh sẵn có, bức ảnh & hình ảnh trả phí bản quyền một lần

There is even evidence that Black Caimans prey on jaguars and green anacondas, two other species often regarded as apex predators in the Amazon. Green anacondas, jaguars, and Black Caimans compete for the top spot in the food chain. While Black Caimans have been observed preying on anacondas, it is not uncommon for larger anacondas to prey on juvenile Black Caimans.

Cá sấu caiman đen có thể dài đến 5 m. Ảnh: Tristan Barrington Photography

Humans can also become prey for Black Caimans, especially when food is scarce. In February 2010, an 11-year-old girl was attacked by a 4.21-meter-long Black Caiman while bathing with her friends in Rondônia state, Brazil. When police and firefighters arrived, they could not locate the girl or the caiman. Around 8 p.m., the caiman reappeared with the victim still in its jaws. Tragically, the girl had been killed, and the caiman was subsequently shot dead.

caiman đen trong chế độ tấn công - cá sấu caiman đen hình ảnh sẵn có, bức ảnh & hình ảnh trả phí bản quyền một lần

“Crocodiles approach their targets using camouflage, then launch sudden attacks and swallow small prey whole. If the target is a large animal, it is dragged into deep water and drowned,” the study noted. “The crocodile then keeps the prey submerged, waiting for the tissue to soften and decompose. With rotational movements of the body, it swallows large pieces because its teeth are not suited for chewing.”

In previous decades, the Black Caiman was classified as vulnerable on the Red List of the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) due to illegal hunting. They were hunted not only for their meat but also for their skin, which is highly valued in the fashion industry. Fortunately, scientists report that the Black Caiman population has significantly recovered in some areas. However, the IUCN emphasizes that more data is needed to fully understand the current conservation status of this species.


ảnh chụp cận cảnh đầu của một con caiman đen trong khi ăn miếng cuối cùng của con mồi. pantanal, brasil - cá sấu caiman đen hình ảnh sẵn có, bức ảnh & hình ảnh trả phí bản quyền một lần

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