Cute Cat and Baby Photos That Will Melt Your Heart

There’s no denying your kiddo and their kitty make the purr-fect pair, and these pictures prove it.

An advertisement for a 40-pound ‘chonky’ cat has gone viral: ‘Behold his beautifully gluttonous body.’

It’s a purrfect match. A retiree from Virginia has adopted a chonky 40.3 pound feline after an adver

10+ Pictures of Hana, the Adorable Big-Eyed Japanese Cat

Meet Hana – the Scottish fold breed kitty from Japan who came to grow quite an impressive fan base o

Cat’s reaction to her first trip to a windy beach is all of us admitting that summer has come to an end

If you’re a fan of summers spent at the beach, then you’re probably familiar with that last trip of

A Cat’s Narrated and Illustrated History of Felines

When Paul Koudounaris visited Los Angeles’ North Central Animal Shelter one sunny afternoon in 2011,

A rescued bunny and an adopted cat become lifelong friends

Nothing compares to the bond 5-year-old rescue bunny named Echo and a 12-week-old cat named Ahsoka s

With his charming images, a Vietnamese fishermen has grabbed the hearts of netizens

There’s a street vendor in Vietnam that appears to be above his competition. Mainly because the merchant is probably the cutest cat ever who would probably persuade you even into buying sand in a desert. He’s a 3-year-old adorable cat and his owner, Le Quoc Phong, calls him Dog. Together they’ve been spotted in a […]

The life story of the person who first brought a cat inside… photography

The fate that led to the famous photos of photographer Harry Whittier Frees began with a small incident that happened in his family. Cats celebrate their birthday…

Pet cat saves owner narrowly from death

The British family’s pet cat was quick to act to save its owner from the door of death because of a heart attack in his sleep. Pet…

Discover Japan’s rare rabbit-tailed cat breed

The short and folded tail of the Japanese Bobtail cat is the result of a natural mutation caused by the expression of a dominant gene. Japanese rabbit…