Upset Mother Sees Dog Tucking Kids in Bed

Mother is visibly upset as she observes her pet dog tucking her kids into bed.

Dogs are excellent babysitters as well as companions for children when in the hands of a capable owner who knows how to read them.

Mother is visibly upset as she observes her pet dog tucking her kids into bed.

Anyone who has grown up with a dog knows that the love and compassion that they give is unconditional and like nothing else in this world.

Mother is visibly upset as she observes her pet dog tucking her kids into bed.

Pit bulls don’t have the best reputation, especially when it comes to children — and most people would think twice before leaving their newborns in the care of such a breed.

Mother is visibly upset as she observes her pet dog tucking her kids into bed.

The pittie was filmed laying down, with the two babies bundled up in their blankets beside him. The tired canine appears as if he’s about to nod off for a quick snooze, but then the babies start to cry.

Mother is visibly upset as she observes her pet dog tucking her kids into bed.

Instinctively the pooch immediately checks on them — he sniffs them, and gently nudges them, providing reassurance to the beautiful souls.

It’s absolutely beautiful to watch.

Mother is visibly upset as she observes her pet dog tucking her kids into bed.

Watch the adorable video below:

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