Unbelievable Yet Adorable: Cats as Excellent Babysitters, Here’s the Cutest Proof

Purring fellows are notoriously known for lazying and bossing around, but if they could talk, they would show the rebuttal to that stigma. In fact, in contrast to most concepts, these meowing guys are willing to do jobs for catnip paid. They can be the best assistants and companions we could find.

Talking about babysitting, the job requires patience, carefulness, responsibility, and love. Most babysitters are female because they are gentle and have a maternal instinct. Felines are blessed with softness like silk and the warmest kindness that can devote to their hoomans’ tiny younglings.

Without any further ado, let your heart melt with these precious moments of cats befriending infants and toddlers!

#1. Both are rays of sunlight

Source: tysonscatworld

Hard To Believe, But Cats Can Be Excellent Babysitters, And Here’s The Cutest Proof

#2. “Just Miss Mustard Babysitting Our Infant”

Source: chikibunbie

Hard To Believe, But Cats Can Be Excellent Babysitters, And Here’s The Cutest Proof

#3. “This little hooman’s safety is my duty”

Source: pavlova.the.siberian

Hard To Believe, But Cats Can Be Excellent Babysitters, And Here’s The Cutest Proof

#4. “My Kid And Cat This Morning”

Source: dryhuot23

Hard To Believe, But Cats Can Be Excellent Babysitters, And Here’s The Cutest Proof

#5. Aww~

Source: sesamix_high

Hard To Believe, But Cats Can Be Excellent Babysitters, And Here’s The Cutest Proof

Source: tinyau_meow

Hard To Believe, But Cats Can Be Excellent Babysitters, And Here’s The Cutest Proof

#7. Can’t be more affectionate

Source: internet

Hard To Believe, But Cats Can Be Excellent Babysitters, And Here’s The Cutest Proof

#8. “The Cutie’s Babysitter. Our Little Neo”

Source: neo_n_louis

Hard To Believe, But Cats Can Be Excellent Babysitters, And Here’s The Cutest Proof

#9. “Your Shift Now”

Hard To Believe, But Cats Can Be Excellent Babysitters, And Here’s The Cutest Proof

#10. “Our Baby Sitters Utilizing The Surround And Protect Strategy”

Source: fifa71086

Hard To Believe, But Cats Can Be Excellent Babysitters, And Here’s The Cutest Proof

#11. Babysitter Ding: “Although My Younger Brother Pinched Me Secretly, I Still Act Like A Baby With Him. Am I A Good-Tempered Meow?”

Source: mumu_dingding

Hard To Believe, But Cats Can Be Excellent Babysitters, And Here’s The Cutest Proof

#12. Rain Watching With Didi

Source: pockyhkcat

Hard To Believe, But Cats Can Be Excellent Babysitters, And Here’s The Cutest Proof

#13. “Cat Snugging My Wife’s Pregnant Belly. He Was Rubbing His Face On Her Belly All Evening. (Went To The Doctor Today, The Baby Could Arrive Any Day Now)”

Source: PlaymakerJavi

Hard To Believe, But Cats Can Be Excellent Babysitters, And Here’s The Cutest Proof

#14. Hush, little baby is sleeping

Source: _psylosin_

Hard To Believe, But Cats Can Be Excellent Babysitters, And Here’s The Cutest Proof

#15. Before Going To School

Source: yujin__j

Hard To Believe, But Cats Can Be Excellent Babysitters, And Here’s The Cutest Proof

#16. “I Rescued Nuka And She’s Helped Nanny My Babies For 9 Years”

Source: TheTiniestGhoul

Hard To Believe, But Cats Can Be Excellent Babysitters, And Here’s The Cutest Proof

#17. “Daisy Is The Best Big Sister. Daisy Purrs On Her Head Until She Falls Asleep”

Source: ktnriquez

Hard To Believe, But Cats Can Be Excellent Babysitters, And Here’s The Cutest Proof

#18. “Everything the light touches…”

Source: hailey.meow

Hard To Believe, But Cats Can Be Excellent Babysitters, And Here’s The Cutest Proof

#19. “Out there, hoomans are numerous, but this one is mine”

Source: Lux_503

Hard To Believe, But Cats Can Be Excellent Babysitters, And Here’s The Cutest Proof

#20. “Rin-Chan, Who Has Been Watching Over My Son’s Growth Since He Was Born, Thank You”

Source: mikeneko.rinchan

Hard To Believe, But Cats Can Be Excellent Babysitters, And Here’s The Cutest Proof

Source: catskillmountainsclowder

Hard To Believe, But Cats Can Be Excellent Babysitters, And Here’s The Cutest Proof

#22. They both move a lot while sleeping

Source: singhaandpaws

Hard To Believe, But Cats Can Be Excellent Babysitters, And Here’s The Cutest Proof

#23. “Hi, tiny, I’m Purry Poppins!”

Source: ClydeSmithy

Hard To Believe, But Cats Can Be Excellent Babysitters, And Here’s The Cutest Proof

#24. Baby, His Cat, And A Squirrel

Source: bucky716

Hard To Believe, But Cats Can Be Excellent Babysitters, And Here’s The Cutest Proof

#25. “My Son Has Learned A Lot From His Babysitter”

Source: CatVideoFest

Hard To Believe, But Cats Can Be Excellent Babysitters, And Here’s The Cutest Proof

#26. “My Wife Just Sent Me This Picture Of Our Daughter And Cat. I’m Crying At Work”

Source: m1le_B

Hard To Believe, But Cats Can Be Excellent Babysitters, And Here’s The Cutest Proof

#27. “My Baby Is My Cat’s Most Favorite Human”

Source: Suspicious_Peach_528

Hard To Believe, But Cats Can Be Excellent Babysitters, And Here’s The Cutest Proof

#28. “My 1.5-Year-Old Son And 14-Year-Old Cat Had A Moment This Morning”

Source: mgrave22

Hard To Believe, But Cats Can Be Excellent Babysitters, And Here’s The Cutest Proof

Source: Hoot2687

Hard To Believe, But Cats Can Be Excellent Babysitters, And Here’s The Cutest Proof

#30. “My Twin Cats Meeting Their New Baby Brother”

Source: Grodeur

Hard To Believe, But Cats Can Be Excellent Babysitters, And Here’s The Cutest Proof

#31. She has been claimed

Source: reddit

Hard To Believe, But Cats Can Be Excellent Babysitters, And Here’s The Cutest Proof

#32. Oh, my heart!!!!

Source: compootering

Hard To Believe, But Cats Can Be Excellent Babysitters, And Here’s The Cutest Proof

#33. “My Son Has Loved My Cat Since The Day He Was Born. She Tolerates That Love In A Way I Never Thought Possible”

Source: Queen_trash_mouth

Hard To Believe, But Cats Can Be Excellent Babysitters, And Here’s The Cutest Proof

If you have a similar idea of hiring a purry nanny, please consult the vet to make sure your furballs are suitable and their health conditions checked! Before you do that, don’t forget to like, share this charming gallery and leave your comment below! Then, come back to our upcoming posts when you like to read more interesting ones!


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