Pregnant mama abandoned at shelter gives birth to 14 adorable puppies at 9 weeks pregnant

On the evening of December 22nd, pregnant Mam Nata was abandoned in front of IAPA. She is now in the final stages of her pregnancy and due any day.

She was so frail and afraid that it took some time for the staff at Instituto Amour em Patas (IAPA) to get her to relax. The fear of her coming puppies caused her owner to abandon her.

This 9 Weeks Pregnant Mama was Abandoned In Front Of Our Shelter and Gave Birth To this 14 Cute Puppies

She was quite protective of her mother at first, using all of her energy to keep the shelter volunteers at bay. However, after some time had passed, she lowered her guard and warmed up to them.

Possibly as many as a dozen infants are growing inside of her. Because she is so frail, we try to schedule her test for tomorrow. A participant reported.

Both Natajuli and I can expect a long night tonight. Make sure everything looks good at her upcoming scan.

Natajuli is permitted to return to the shelter with the necessary supplies for the children’s deliveries, and she is successful; the first child is a highly intelligent young boy.

How many pups do you think there are?” Natajuli had a total of 14 healthy, beautiful children.

This 9 Weeks Pregnant Mama was Abandoned In Front Of Our Shelter and Gave Birth To this 14 Cute Puppies

Natajuli and her 14 newborns were transported to the vet for an examination, ultrasound, and bloodwork; the mother’s face appears flushed. Her litter of 14 healthy pups is quite hefty.

I was on the verge of tears when I saw her happy; her children are beautiful, and I want to smother them with hugs and kisses.

This 9 Weeks Pregnant Mama was Abandoned In Front Of Our Shelter and Gave Birth To this 14 Cute Puppies
I completely forgot to give them names, but there are 14 of the cutest little ones here. Everyone enjoys coming up with names for them, so feel free to contribute your favorite in the comments.

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