Tiny Kitten Adopted by an Unlikely Furry Family Grows Up Thinking She’s One of Them

One ordinary day, a kind family discovered a tiny, emaciated kitten abandoned on the street near their home.

Heartbroken by the poor condition of the little kitten, the couple decided to take her home and nurse her back to health. 

However, the kitten was soon to discover that the humans who rescued her from the street wouldn’t be the only ones looking after her…

kitten lying with a ferret
Credit: @garo004giru

Believe it or not, the couple had several ferrets as pets back at home! 

Initially, they were worried that the kitten might not get along with their ferrets, but they were quickly proven wrong.

Little Komari, the name they gave to the rescued kitten, immediately snuggled up with her new “siblings” upon meeting them. 

It turned out that Komari was not only hungry for food but also starved for affection!

tiny kitten lying with ferrets
Credit: @garo004giru

After feeding little Komari, they allowed her to curl up next to the ferrets. Their fluffy fur probably reminded her of her mother and littermates, whom she had lost so early in life.

Thriving in the company of the ferrets, Komari soon blossomed from a scrawny kitten into a beautiful cat.

ferrets asleep next to a kitten
Credit: @garo004giru

And what about the ferrets? Well, they readily accepted their unusual sister as if she had always been meant to be a part of their family.

They taught her their ways, and she soon began behaving like one of them.

kitten and ferrets sleeping
Credit: @garo004giru

The couple continued to welcome more ferrets into their household, and Komari accepted each new arrival without hesitation! 

This silly girl probably didn’t even realize there was anything different about her. To her, she was just another ferret – although a slightly larger one, haha.

kitten and ferrets eating
Credit: @garo004giru

Komari and the ferrets did everything together. They ate together, cuddled, and even slept in a cozy heap.

They formed the perfect little family, much to the delight of their owners!

ferrets and kitten lying on a pile
Credit: @garo004giru

As time went by, Komari started displaying typical feline behavior; she began grooming the ferrets, treating them as if they were her kittens.

To all cat aficionados, that’s a clear sign of love and acceptance in the feline world. Komari truly adored her ferret family!

photo of ferret and kittens
Credit: @garo004giru

Who would’ve thought that a once tiny and starving kitten with no home of her own would grow up alongside a bunch of ferrets, blossoming into their caregiver and a mother figure?

I’m so glad that’s how things turned out for adorable Komari. Like any other cat, she truly deserves to be loved. Don’t you agree?

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