30 Blooming Succulents to Grow in Your Next Gardening Project

Taking a look at them, these succulents have a unique texture and shapes, and when they are not blooming, they still give you a beautiful look at the plant and its leaves. Additionally, you will see that there are many different types of succulents suitable for your favorite. From running succulents, colorful succulents, flowering succulents, small succulents to edible succulents, all of them will bring the most beautiful to your home. Spend our time learning about them with us!

#1 Aeonıum “Kıwı” (Kıwı aeonıum)


Source: Annuals

Aeonıum “Kıwı” (Kıwı aeonıum) looks like a flower as it has beautiful bright green leaves arranged in a rose pattern and the tips have a touch of red.

#2 Lace Aloe (Aloe arıstata)


Source: Succulent Repository

Lace Aloe (Aloe arıstata) grows low and in a lovely pattern. When flowering time arrives, the leaves turn a little orange and beautiful peach-colored torch flowers emerge.

#3 Dew flower (Drosanthemum bıcolor)


Source: Twitter

Dewflower (Drosanthemum bıcolor) displays beautiful yellow and orange flowers. The plant thrives in well-draining soil, making it an excellent choice for rocky environments and hillsides.

#4 Irish rose (Aeonıum arboreum)


Source: Plantıngman

The Irish rose (Aeonıum arboreum) produces beautiful yellow flowers. The plant remains compact when placed indoors and is less likely to flower.

#5 Mexican Snowball (Echeverıa elegans)


Source: Ezƴcaresucculents

Mexican snowball (Echeverıa elegans) displays beautiful pink flowers with yellow tips that are shaped like a lantern.

#6 Karoo Rose (Lapıdarıa margaretae)


Source: Flickr

Karoo Rose (Lapıdarıa margaretae) is an interesting succulent with leaves that look like small rocks. The beautiful, large, yellow flowers will bloom in fall or early winter.

#7 Tree of Love (Aıchrƴson laxum)


Source: Travaldo

The love tree (Aıchrƴson laxum) grows as a miniature shrub. It produces beautiful green leaves and a wide variety of yellow flowers that are very bright and cheerful.

#8 Hen and chicks (Sempervıvum tectorum)


Source: Gardening Knowledge

The hen and chicks (Sempervıvum tectorum) have a tight rose shape. This succulent is frost tolerant and easy to grow outdoors, but can also be grown indoors.

#9 Pink ice plant (Oscuları deltoıdes)


Source: Flickr

Pink ice plant (Oscuları deltoıdes) is an excellent groundcover with plump, pointed, light green leaves. In late spring or early summer, cheerful pink flowers emerge.

#10 Calico Hearts (Adromıschus maculatus)


Source: Mƴgardenplants

This plant is also known as Chocolate Drops because of its spots. And these spots can be gray, brown or purple. This succulent produces white, tube-shaped flowers, however, it rarely blooms indoors.

#11 Donkey tail (Sedum morganıanum)


Source: Bƴbrıttanƴgoldwƴn

Donkeƴ Taıl (Sedum morganıanum) is a stunning houseplant as it will fall over the side of the pot. Its leaves are a nice bright blue-green color and the flowers will emerge in late summer.

#12 Flower Powder (Kalanchoe pumıla)


Source: Wikipedia

Flower powder (Kalanchoe pumıla) is a dwarf succulent subshrub that will spread. In the spring, clustered pink flowers will appear, providing a beautiful color variation against the soft green of the leaves.

#13 Crinkled Leaf Plant (Adromıschus crıstatus)


Source: The Spruce

The crinkle-leaf plant (Adromıschus crıstatus) has leaves with a unique texture, hence the name. Its long stems will grow out of the plant and produce flowers.

#14 Tiger jaw (Faucarıa tıgrına)


Source: Mundodesuculentas

Tiger jaw (Faucarıa tıgrına) produces unique triangle-shaped leaves with spikes around the edges. They are green with spots. In fall or winter, bright yellow flowers will appear if the plant is well cared for.

#15 Starflower (Orbea varıegata)


Source: Mundodesuculentas

The Star Flower (Orbea varıegata) looks like a cactus with toothed stems emerging from the ground. The flowers are star-shaped with maroon spots.

#16 October Plant (Hƴlotelephıum Sıeboldıı)


Source: Garden Beast

The leaves of the plant are bluish green with pink scalloped edges. In autumn, the plant blooms with small pink flowers.

#17 Aloe Vera (Aloe vera)


Source: Better plants

Aloe vera (Aloe vera) is a green plant that looks beautiful even without flowers, but if the plant is allowed to mature and cared for very well, flowers can grow.

#18 Porcelain plant (Graptoverıa tıtubans)


Source: Mundodesuculentas

The fleshy leaves of the porcelain plant are green, gray, blue and have a beautiful rose pattern. The plant will produce a dense swath of pretty yellow flowers in the spring.

#19 Crown of Thorns (Euphorbıa mılıı)


Source: Crazƴcrıttersınc

Crown of thorns (Euphorbıa mılıı) is technically a shrub, but it also makes a beautiful houseplant and is smaller in a container. It sports soft, bright green leaves, its flowers are a striking red.

#20 Starfish flower (Duvalıa radıata)


Source: Unknown

Starfish flower (Duvalıa radıate) is a unique flowering succulent that produces a red flower that looks like a starfish. The fleshy green part of the plant looks almost like a cactus, with ridges.

#21 Blue chalks (Senecıo serpens)


Source: Praırıeblossomnurserƴ

Blue chalks are excellent for growing both indoors and outdoors. It can reach 8 inches tall and will produce small white flowers.

#22 Hawker Plant (Kalanchoe thƴrsıflora)


Source: Sublimesucculents

Peddle Plant features flat, round bright green leaves with orange-red tips. It is an excellent option for an indoor or outdoor plant.

#23 Tufted Ice Plant (Delosperma sphalmanthoıdes)


Source: Sunnƴplants

The tufted ice plant grows rapidly and forms a mat of vibrant green tube-shaped leaves. Beautiful pink and magenta flowers will appear in summer and autumn.

#24 Ghost plant (Graptopetalum paraguaƴese)


Source: Gardenia

Ghost Plant offers small star-shaped flowers during spring. The plant spreads quickly and is a good choice for both outdoor and container gardens.

#25 Stone Farming (Sedum Acre)


Source: Plantcaretodaƴ

Stonecrop brings small yellow flowers that are bright and cheerful. The plant will spread and form a mat making it an excellent ground cover.

#26 Fair tongue (Crassula exılıs)


Source: Garden Beast

The leaves of fair tongue are uniquely shaped and red on the underside, hence the name. It produces star-shaped flowers once a year and can be grown indoors or outdoors.

#27 Haworthıa zebra (Haworthıa fasciata)


Source: Mundodesuculentas

Zebra Haworthıa not only gives a great appearance but also grows easily, especially for those who are beginners. The outside of the dark green leaves are striped with white and textured, while the inside of the leaves are smooth. During the summer, it sprouts a long stem that will produce white flowers

#28 Toes (Fenestrarıa rhopalophƴlla)


Source: Plantıngman

Babƴ Toes is certainly one of the cutest succulents, as the green columns rise like little flat-topped toes. It will flourish if well cared for.

#29 Flamıng Katƴ (Kalanchoe blossfeldıana)


Source: Plantslıve

Flamıng Katƴ exhibits deep green waxy leaves and beautiful flowers that bloom in deep red, pink, yellow or orange that last for weeks. Grows happily in warm temperatures.

#30 Desert rose (Adenıum obesum)


Source: Toothmountaınnurserƴ

Desert Rose has a special root stalk that is large and continues to form above ground. In addition to the unique twisted roots, the plant will produce beautiful flowers, usually pink or red. It grows well both indoors and outdoors.


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